WE ALL NEED A BREAK CategoriesFashion · OFS Stories


“We all need a break, but rather have a breakthrough”. I was thinking about the meaning of this quote for the last couple of days. We all follow our dreams and we all try to give our best to achieve them. But sometimes what we really need is a break. A break that we are afraid to take because we are all fighting for our breakthrough.

ONEFAUXSEVEN_STRIPED DRESS 1I’ve been in this situation and always thought that needing a break from work and everything else is just a sign of weakness. The truth is. It’s not. If I need a break, I can tell that it is a well deserved one because I gave my all. I gave a 100% and I am not able to maintain this level without taking this little break. We all have a goal and we won’t stop at nothing to achieve them. But is it okay to go that far, that we are almost selling our souls for it? I’m sick of this “your wish is my command”-society and I am opposing it. Even if I start with the little things. Selling our souls already begins by changing our appearance against our will. The perfect business dress and heels for appointments from monday to friday, even if you’re not that kinda person and would usually run around with ripped jeans and a oversized shirt, shorts and flip flops. I’m not even talking about myself right now because everyone knows that I love me some good pair of heels and I also have a weakness for a slight business touch in my everyday looks. But how about we stay true to ourselves again and convince people with our know-how and ambition? My life will change in a few weeks again. And I’m starting to take a break from everything by finally being able to go on a vacation and taking a week off. I also ditched my heels this weekend and went for my slip-ons and went for a laid back leather-vest instead of a blazer – just to get a different feeling that is far from what I do for living. A laid-back look. A laid-back me.


photos: Edisa Shahini


  1. Ein super süßer Loook! Ich liebe die Kombination aus Streifen und der Lederweste – simpel aber total cool.
    Das Gefühl eine Pause von allem zu brauchen, kenne ich momentan sehr gut. Du hast es schön beschrieben, manchmal hat man das Gefühl ausbrechen zu müssen, auch wenn man später vielleicht wieder zu dem zurückkehrt. Mit etwas Abstand betrachtet fallen viele Dinger aber wieder leichter finde ich. Deshalb ist Urlaub auch so wichtig! Raus aus dem gewohnten Umfeld, aus den vier Wänden, aus den Business-Looks.
    Liebste Grüße

    1. Vielen lieben Dank, Katharina! Freue mich sehr über deine lieben Worte! Gönnen wir uns alle eine Pause – tut der Seele gut, und wir können uns wieder besser auf alles konzentrieren und 100% geben, und das erreichen, was wir uns vorgenommen haben 🙂 take a break and let your dreams come true! Wünsche dir noch einen schönen Abend 😀

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