Some people say that fashion means dressing up. Some of them say that it’s like slipping into a role. As for myself, I really don’t like slipping into roles. I like being myself. As I was challenged to put together a vintage outfit, I knew that this would definitely not be what they expect it to be. Still, I decided not to go with what was expected. And it turns out to be the best idea I had.
To be honest this outfit that you see is improvised and put together from vintage pieces and new pieces. Unlike my colleagues I decided not to stick to the plan by collaborating with one of a few vintage boutiques in Vienna. Sad to say that at first this decision was not up to me.
When I was fitting in one of the shops I experienced body shaming in the worst way in my 25 years. I really was at my lowest point and they managed to put me there with the power of their words and disgusted looks. People who know me also know that I am the last person who can’t joke about it. But this time it was on a different level and I spent days thinking about their words and their actions. There would have been other shops I could have collaborated with. I just decided not to. I decided for myself not to stick to the plan. I didn’t want to pick an outfit from another shop just to avoid this process of shame that I was going through. I just didn’t want to look for something to fit into for ages. I wanted to put an outfit together without feeling bad. I didn’t want to take a piece of clothing just because it fits, and then work my way around it.
So I decided to put together my own outfit with a touch of vintage. A modern version of it. Something that I would also wear on a daily basis and rock on the streets. With this decision I didn’t only stay true to myself but wanted to make a statement that I really don’t support any kind of shaming and that anyone can join any kind of project by being independent at the same time.
I actually love pairing new pieces with other pieces that have been in my closet for ages. So I thought, why not do the same for this vintage theme? To be honest I was quite unsure about it at first, because I saw how glamorous Vanessa’s outfit was, but on the other side I knew that I wouldn’t feel comfortable all glammed up because it’s simply not me. I paired this flowery sheer top with one of my old 20ies dresses underneath. Still, I decided to wear the dress paired with denims to create a vintage inspired street style look. To almost complete the look I thought I’d use another vintage piece: my mothers dressing gown – but as a kimono. It was just perfect timing when this piece arrived to complete my 20ies inspired look: the beautiful turban by HatsByBSR.
We are going to party and it’s gonna be the GREATEST GATSBY PARTY IN TOWN. You see how Vanessa from Vrbandiaries looks in her gorgeous dress? She’s ready. Together with Comepass and Maxima Magazin she’s hosting this Greatest Gatsby Party and you can be a part of it. Dress up and party with us. Viki from Bowsessed, Ben from Dreh,-und Angelpunkt and Lara from Undertheskin will join the party too. And guess what…
As I said. I don’t like dressing up. That’s why I’m gonna show you the dress I’ve been creating together with BUGARIC. And that’s not the only thing you’ll see for the first time. I will also be wearing one of the collars I created together with TIEIT as a limited edition that you can already order now. Annnnnd I’m not done yet. There’s more: Together we will see the video of THE BIG FIVE BLOGGERS produced by Frame Fatale for the first time. So join us on July 14th at Hilton Vienna Plaza. Find more information about this party here.
**WIN A TICKET by emailing me your outfit plans for the Greatest Gatsby Party in Town until July 2nd, 2017 23:59 MEZ. Are you combining old and new too?
PHOTOS: Ina Kerpe // thank you for this amazing shooting day
wearing// turban HatsByBSR sheer top ZARA shoes ZARA dressing gown VINTAGE layered dress VINTAGE
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So tolle Bilder von euch beiden! 🖤
Glg Karo
Merciii xx
Wow, ich finde es toll, wie einzigartig du bist. Ich bewundere auch deinen Mut für dich selbst einzustehen und zu bleiben wie du bist! Solche Vorbilder wie dich, brauchen junge Mädchen. Btw dein Outfit ist der Oberhammer, du siehst fantastisch aus!
Alles Liebe Bea (Bride Inside)
Danke für die lieben Worte!
Gefällt mir sehr gut und passt super zu dir!
Ohhh, hallo! Dankeschön – freut mich sehr das zu lesen 🙂